Melissa McCarthy is a famous singer, dancer, and actress. She is also a mom to two children. Her children are the product of her famous parents. She has been married to former President George W. Bush for twelve years and still remains good friends with him to this day. Melissa's son, Blanket, was the one who made the question of weight loss and her weight gain very personal. He would frequently come home from school and surprise her by asking what happened to all those cute times he and his friends used to have. Melissa would then share stories of her time with her friends, including the time she went grocery shopping, ate an apple, and felt so guilty she felt like she needed to purge the kitchen of all unhealthy foods. When she told her parents, they didn't believe her story; they thought she was exaggerating. Melissa's mother, grandmother, and two younger sisters, Gillian and Claire, would join her on her weight loss journey. They tried everything they could to...