How many steps are there to lose weight? If you're asking this question then you have clearly taken up the "fight or flight" mode and your goal is to lose weight as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, if you are thinking in terms of losing weight "big time", than many of the steps that we've been discussing are going to be counter productive. If you want to lose weight "big time" you have got to be willing to do a lot more than just lose weight "quickly".

If you have only been doing one or two things per day, you need to re-think your plan. Most people that try to lose "wet weight" in a week, usually do one or two cardio things, some strength training, and maybe some diet pills. The problem is that they don't take all of the steps that they need to in order to make this happen. If you were going to follow this plan for an extended period of time, you would find that you will gradually see some progress. It is not very fun when you reach a goal only to see it get pushed back a few steps or even weeks.
A good way to stay motivated to lose weight is to find something that you can do every single day to help you succeed. If you're thinking about running, think about walking. If you're thinking about weight lifting, figure out a way to do it on the same day every week. Whatever it is that you decide to do, make sure that you use at least a quarter of your time doing it. You should be able to estimate how many steps you will be taking per day with that amount of time.
There are two questions that you need to answer when figuring out how many steps to lose weight per day. The first question is, "Which steps?" The second question is, "How often?" The answer to this question is going to determine how successful you are going to be. If you are doing the entire plan by yourself, then you might be overwhelmed and give up on ever seeing any results. But if you decide to spread out your work and take small steps, you will slowly start seeing progress.
You can also find other ways to motivate yourself to lose weight by asking your friends and family. Let them know that you are trying to change your life and you have a goal. When they see this motivated attitude in you, they might be more than willing to help you. You may not want to talk to everyone about your goals, but just saying it to one person will work wonders.
There are a lot of great books out there that teach you how many steps to lose weight per day to motivate yourself. Some of these books include the No Nonsense Guide to Getting Fit and Stay Fit. You should really take the time to learn everything you can about losing weight. This way when you are writing down your goals you will know exactly what you need to do to reach them. In some cases you may need to take extra steps to reach your goal. This is when you should add the extra steps that you need.
Make sure that when you write down your goals that you are realistic. If you are not going to achieve them the day that you wrote down the goal, then you should not bother writing it down. Goals without a realistic timeline often get failed. It's good to be honest with yourself and to understand that sometimes things just do not happen the way that you want them to. But you should also keep a positive frame of mind and you should never feel discouraged.
So if you want to learn how many steps to lose weight per day to motivate yourself, make sure that you know what you are doing. Know that you cannot succeed in one day. Use daily reminders to stay on track. Remember that you need to be consistent so that your body will get used to following your steps and in turn will begin to see results. This is the only way that you will see permanent weight loss.
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