How many steps per day to lose weight is a question that I get asked quite often. The answer varies from person to person and what you eat and do not eat can make a difference in the weight you lose. If you want to lose weight quickly then eating less but more frequently will have a huge impact. However, if you are like me then your metabolism slows down at the beginning of each week. So eating less but more often will have no impact on your weight loss.
Your body burns off calories every day. It's this calorie burning that determines whether you gain or lose weight. So you must find out what type of calories you are burning through your normal daily activities. This will help you decide how many extra calories you need to burn off each day.
When you are calculating how many extra calories you are burning each day it is important to take into account your activity level. If you are sedentary and rarely move around then you will be burning a lot fewer calories than an active person. You should also consider how many calories you are consuming through foods. I usually count a pound of food as three hundred calories. The next time you are at a restaurant make sure you take the calorie count into consideration before you order.
Once you know your daily calorie requirement, it's time to find ways to increase your daily metabolic rate. This can be done with exercise. I do not know anyone who is under the impression that they are doing enough exercise to lose weight. So, if you have a thirty-minute commute in to work each day how much are you really sweating it. Do some cardiovascular exercise two to three times a week and build up slowly. Once your body has been conditioned for this increased exercise then it will be easier to increase your weight loss by a few pounds per day.
Try to find an exercise program that does not require a lot of time commitment. If you hate running or you don't like swimming chances are you will not stick with it long term. There are some great exercises you can do that don't require a lot of time either. Some people think exercise will help them lose weight but it actually causes more damage than it benefits. If you can find an exercise program that you enjoy it will go a lot smoother and you will probably keep doing it.
Find a few of these easy to do steps each day to lose a pound. Make sure that each one of these steps is something that you can do easily. If you cannot do a step simply skip it. For example, if you can only do ten minutes of sit ups every day then don't do it. Find a list of ten things you can do and stick with them for an hour each. Each day after the first ten you will be able to add an extra five steps to your day and you will start losing weight.
Make sure you take steps to decrease your stress level as well. Staying stressed out slows down your metabolism which makes losing weight harder. Find a way to reduce your stress so that you have more energy to work out. This may mean going to the gym or joining a wellness club.
It takes a little time to lose weight. It takes time to change your lifestyle so that it matches your new body. So while you are losing weight you have to continue to eat healthy foods and you have to get plenty of sleep. But once you have lost the weight you can start enjoying yourself and living a new life full of health. Find out how many steps to lose weight each day by following the links below.
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